Plantar Warts Treatment
There’s no easy way to put it: warts are unsightly, painful and rob you of confidence when those socks come off. If you’re suffering with warts, you’re not alone. Humans have been battling warts for well over 2,000 years – with the earliest mention of warts in 400 BC!
Luckily, medicine has progressed somewhat since then, and Brighton Road Podiatry will help you live wart-free so you can start flaunting your feet around town again.
What are warts?
Warts are small round growths, usually on the sole of the foot and toes, that can range from spongy and spotty, to hard and rough. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which made its way into the skin via a cut or wound.
Warts on your feet are called Verrucae Pedis(plantar warts), and can be particularly painful as they are forced back into your foot as you walk or stand.
Unfortunately, plantar warts don’t just pack up and head home after a month or two. Without proper treatment they can stick around for years and spread elsewhere on your feet – and to other people.
How to Avoid Warts
The most common places to catch HPV are in communal spaces such as gyms, showers or swimming centres. By simply wearing footwear at the gym and thongs around the pool, you can avoid any unwelcome guests coming home with you.
Have a Question?
Send us a message and we’ll be in touch with you right away.
How we treat plantar warts
Our approach to treating warts includes:
Debriding by taking off the top layer of the wart and applying a course of salicylic acid
Provide advice and supplies to help you be successful with “at home“ treatments
Discuss your general health, hosiery, diet and other factors and provide advice on changes to manage your warts
take action against your warts
Is it time to take action against your warts? The friendly team at Brighton Road Podiatry are ready to help tame the wildest of warts in our comfortable and welcoming clinic
Call today or book on-line and take your first step towards feeling great again! 08 8298 4166